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Monday 27 April 2015

Year 1 C Update April 2015

It has been a very busy few months, and Year 1 C have been learning about habitats and how humans, animals and nature live in unity together. They have been learning about what animals live in the habitats; what food the animals eat and what all animals need to survive. Learners have been creating their own habitats and drawing animals that belong in particular habitats. They have discovered why animals are important to humans and that we rely on them for our survival. They provide us with food and many different products we require for every day use and survival. The children have also looked into the possible effects humans have on animals and habitats and that if we do not look after our animals and their habitats, there will be serious consequences. Keep up the good work, year 1 C!

Different Habitats

Animal Habitats

What animals need?